Lieve Dejonghe


Lieve Dejonghe

The more you look the larger the world becomes

Motto from the artist



"Heftig" - oil on canvas - 13 x 61 cm



7 DECEMBER 2024 - 12 JANUARY 2025

TEL 0032 2 512 19 44
next to the Central Station

Lieve Dejonghe
0032 474 480 227


Book Lieve Dejonghe

Boek Lieve Dejonghe 2021
Boek Lieve Dejonghe 2021

€ 25 | free shipping | 180 x 300 mm | 80 p. | NL

Can be obtained through:


Artist's book of Lieve Dejonghe

boek Lieve DejongheThe artist’s book of Lieve Dejonghe has been published by Lannoo Publishers with the quadrilingual title:
"Hoe meer je kijkt hoe groter de Wereld wordt. Plus on regarde, plus le Monde s’agrandit. The more you look the larger the World becomes. 当你更多地观察,世界世界就会变得更大"

The book includes amongst others an essay by well known art critic Frans Boenders, verses and poems by the official Antwerp city’s poet Peter Holvoet-Hanssen and by Jean-Claude Vanden Plas, a large number of (detailed) images of Lieve’s paintings, and an interview by Frans Boenders about her life, career and participation at the World Expo 2010.With partial translation in English.

Dejonghe’s particular, poetical oeuvre bridges the gap between abstract and realistic art. It is remarkable by its striking use of warm colours. In this book, designed by Anthony Van Renterghem, simplicity and light are key elements. It perfectly illustrates her artistic evolution the last ten years.

€ 39,99 | November 2011 | hardcover | quadricolour | NL-FR-EN-CH | 285 x 220 mm | 144 p. | Lannoo Publishers | isbn 978 90 209 5412 8

The book can be purchased in international art bookshops or by mail at (shipping costs will be calculated upon request).


Lieve at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai

World Expo 2010 World Expo 2010 World Expo 2010 World Expo 2010 World Expo 2010

Shanghai 2010 The World Expo 2010 took place in Shanghai. The Belgian Pavilion is focusing on a few major Belgian specialities such as chocolate. This has inspired Lieve Dejonghe to create an installation (4 m high, 1,3 m wide) consisting of four paintings, a picture and a commercial slogan, which willbe shown at the Expo from May 1st on. She integrates elements of Chinese and Western culture and uses chocolate as a subject, as she has actually already been doing for a number of years. She plays with the ambiguous slogan ‘The Art of Chocolate’ in the four paintings linked by it, asking the question ‘What is Art?’ The fourth painting addresses the essence of the ‘Art of living’. The picture forms a stark contrast with the busy scene of the World Expo; it remembers the spectator that creating art remains an individual experience, realised in the intimate atmosphere of an artist’s studio. To learn more about the installation, see on this website ‘about her recent works’.